Bayelsa Deputy Governor, Governor's Wife Calls for Unity Over Supreme Court Victory

Bayelsa Deputy Governor, Governor's Wife  Calls for Unity Over Supreme Court Victory.
The Deputy Governor of Bayelsa state Lawrence Ewhrujakpo and the wife of the state governor Mrs Gloria Diri has called on Bayelsans to unite and build the state together.

They made the remarks in their reactions to the Supreme Court judgement dismissing the case of Mr. Timi Alaibe over the candidature of Governor Douye  Diri.

The Bayelsa deputy Governor stressed that all parties must put party affiliation aside and come together for a better state,  while also saying that the Supreme Court victory is an act of God.
Recall that Mr. Timi Alaibe who lost the PDP Governorship ticket to Governor Douye Diri had gone to court to contest the victory of the Governor in the party primary.

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