NCC arrest 11 pre-registered SIM cards sellers in Kano

NCC arrest 11 pre-registered SIM cards sellers in Kano
The Nigerian Communications Commission (NCC) has apprehended some traders of pre-registered SIM cards in Kano metropolis.

VERYCONCERN reports that the exercise was jointly conducted by men of Department of State Security Services and Nigerian Security and Civil Defence Corps (NSDC).

In a statement to journalists in Kano, NCC head of enforcement Salisu Abdu said the exercise was conducted following a tip off that some people are selling registered SIM cards to consumers.

He said after receiving the report, the commission with support of some security agencies raided the places and apprehended 11 persons.

Abdu said the suspects have revealed some major dealers who provide them with the pre-registered SIM cards.

Abdu observed that the emergence of pre-registered SIM cards in the market has contributed to the current security challenges facing the country.

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