Ondo Deputy Governor Exonerates Self From Mismanagement of State Affair

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Ondo Deputy Governor Exonerates Self From Mismanagement of State Affair
Deputy Governor of Ondo state Hon. Agboola Ajayi has advised Governor Rotimi Akeredolu to stop blaming people for his frustrations, saying the current pain of running the state aground was  solely caused by him.

His excellency Agboola  Ajayi stated this through a press statement signed by his chief press secretary, Babatope Okeowo chief Press Secretary and made available to newsmen.

The statement accused Governor Akeredolu of spending the state fund without due appropriation process like the N4.3 billion found in a secret account in zenith bank.

The deputy governor revealed that he had been sidelined in the last 3 and half years of the Governor Akeredolu administration thereby exorcising himself from the mismanagement  of the affairs.

The press statement accused Governor Akeredolu of rejecting every wise counsel provided by the deputy governor and other senior citizens of the state.

He boasted that governor Akeredolu couldn't have won the 2016 election if not for the political expertise  brought on board by the deputy governor, Agboola Ajayi.

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