Oyo opens Eid praying grounds, says social distancing is compulsory

Oyo opens Eid praying grounds, says social distancing is compulsory
Oyo State Government, on Thursday, said Muslim Praying Grounds across the state will be opened for the 2020 Eid-el-Kabir prayers, warning that Muslim faithful must ensure strict compliance with COVID-19 protocols in the state.

According to the government, it has become imperative for the sake of public health and wellbeing of all worshipers that the Eid prayers are conducted in strict compliance with the guidelines on prevention of COVID-19.

The government urged the leadership of each praying ground in the state to ensure availability of hand wash points and compulsory use of nose masks

A statement sgned by the Chief Press Secretary to Governor Seyi Makinde, Taiwo Adisa, indicated that part of the protocols that must be observed during the Eid kabir festivity include observance of the social distancing rule by allowing only 25 per cent of worshippers at every instance.

The statement read: “As the Muslim Ummah prepare to undertake this year’s Eid-el-Kabir prayers, the Government of Oyo State wishes to advert Islamic clerics and leaders to the need to maintain strict compliance with COVID-19 protocols, especially the social distancing rule.

The Governor reckoned that prayers are important to overcome the challenges that presently assail us, especially the COVID-19 pandemic.

To further ensure safety and ownership of the Covid-19 preventive measures, the Emergency Operations Centre, EOC, of the Oyo State Covid-19 Task Force, has sent advisories to major markets and shopping malls, on the need for strict compliance with Covid-19 preventive protocols during this festive period and beyond.

In addition to these measures, all clerics and leaders are expected to take on the responsibility of guiding the people to pay attention to even the minutest detail on how to prevent the spread of COVID-19 during this festivity.

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