Confusion in Saki as Customs , Indigenes Clash


 Confusion in Saki as Customs , Indigenes Clash 

The Okere of Saki, Oba Khalid Olabisi has reportedly declared a curfew in Saki after at least one customs officer and one indigene lost their lives in a free-for-all clash.

The fight, VERYCONCERN learnt that started when Customs officers allegedly chased a Saki indigene alleged to be a smuggler into the town.

Multiple sources who spoke with our correspondent in the state anonymously, revealed that the smuggler was killed in the process.

This they explained, made some individuals in the town attacked the customs office, killing one of their officers and burning a customs vehicle.

Following the attack on the Customs office, the fight became more violent.

At the time of writing this report, details were still sketchy as people have deserted major markets following the announcement of a total curfew by the King to prevent further breakdown of law and or order.

An official of the Oyo and Osun command of Nigeria Customs service confirmed the incident adding that the office of service in the town has been burnt 

The officer who spoke with VERYCONCERN on condition of anonymity disclosed customs officers in the town are currently scampering for safety.

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