Kano Imams, Hisbah Endorse Sharia Court Death Sentence Verdict


 Kano Imams, Hisbah Endorse Sharia Court Death Sentence Verdict 

The Kano state council of Friday mosque Imams has commended Kano state upper Shari’ah court for passing a death judgement on a 22-year-old Yahaya Aminu who made a blasphemous statement against prophet Muhammad.

Galaxy TV correspondent King Richard reports that the chairman of the council Muhammad Nasir Adam gave the thumbs up on Thursday.

He said the council has confidence that Governor Abdullahi Ganduje will sign the execution of the penalty and warn Muslims to refrain from supporting any move capable of denting the image of prophet Muhammad.

Similarly, the Commander General of the Kano State Hisbah Board, popular known as sharia police,  Harun Sani Sina, has supported the judgement of the Upper Sharia Court which sentenced Aminu to death by hanging.

Sina said the board is fully in support of the judgment as it was based on the provision of Islamic law.

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