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Showing posts from July, 2023

How to survive tough economic times in Nigeria

How to survive tough economic times in Nigeria The Nigerian economy has not fully recovered after the effect of the previous recession that ended in 2018. The economy is in a bad shape today despite what the government economic advisers would have you to believe.  The number of Nigerians that have embraced abject poverty is about 91 million, according to the World Poverty Clock, created by Vienna based World Data Lab. About 3 million again joined the extreme poverty group between November 2018 and February 2019. By this token,it shows that we have not seen it all, the worst is yet to come. As a Nigerian, how do you survive in this bad economy fraught with uncertainties on every facet – price instability, crime rate and insecurity, unemployment issues, lack of economic infrastructure, etc? Survival in this turbulent economy can be a herculean task for the vast majority of the citizenry. But you must survive, you cannot give up hope, do you? In this write up you will be advised on the ba