
Breaking News- Senate President Bukola Saraki Leaves APC - Politics


Senate President, Bukola Saraki has finally dumped the All Progressives Congress, APC.
Dr. Bukola Saraki announced this via his verified Twitter page on Tuesday.He wrote “I wish to inform Nigerians that, after extensive consultations, I have decided to take my leave of the All Progressives Congress (APC).”

Dr Bukola Saraki who was PDP member from the inception of the fourth republic in 1999, served as a two-term Governor of Kwara State(2003-2011).
He joined the Senate in 2011 and returned for a second term in 2015, but as an All Progressives Congress member after defecting from the PDP.
His emergence as the Senate President did not go down well with some of the echelon of the ruling party, which started his political ordeal from his trial by the Code of Conduct Tribunal to other allegations.
Recently the Senate President had all charges against him dismissed by the Supreme Court of the Federal Republic of Nigeria.
With his defection from the All Progressives Congress all eyes are on his next move in the days to come.
Also joining the Senate President is Governor Abdulfatai Ahmed of Kwara State and the National Publicity of the APC Bolaji Abdullahi.
Just yesterday the Kwara State All Progressives Congress executive was dissolved with a caretaker committee appointed to manage the affairs of the party.

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