
See why Unilag Denied a Boy Who Scored 322 In JAMB and 9 A1s in WAEC, Admission


David Okorogheye, a student of Starfield College, Fagba, Iju, Lagos wrote the May/June 2018 West African Senior School Certificate Examination (WASSCE) and the Unified Tertiary Matriculation Examination (UTME), with high hopes that he will pass with flying colours and be granted admission into a university.

With the release of 2018 UTME/WASSCE examination results, he produced an excellent performance and did well in his examinations.

His parents, classmates and close associates believed that he would secure an automatic admission or that his name would be in the merit list of his chosen university, the University of Lagos, Akoka (UNILAG).

However they were wrong.  Despite producing a sterling performance in both examinations, David Okorogheye was denied admission by the University of Lagos on the account of his age.

Just like other universities in Nigeria, the University of Lagos has a criteria that every candidate must be 16 years before he/she can be offered admission into the institution. David Okorogheye didn’t meet this requirement because he is 15 years of age.

In the 2018/2019 admission screening exercise, David will not participate due to age barrier factor.

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