Over 200,000 Supporters Abandon Atiku Abubakar, Defect To APC


Over 200,000 Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) members and supporters of former Vice President Alhaji Atiku Abubakar have defected to the ruling All Progressives Congress (APC).

The defecting Atiku’s loyalists who are members of the ‘Atiku Care Foundation’ in the North-West Zone on Sunday dumped the Foundation and collapsed into Arewa Media Group Organisation for Buhari 2019 Campaign.

At a brief ceremony, chairman of the amalgamated group under the auspices of Atiku Care Foundation, Comrade Sanusi Ababai, said over seven affiliates of the Atiku Care Foundation supporters, decided to dump Atiku for the reelection of President Buhari because of unfulfilled promises.

He said: “For several years now, we have been working hard for the development of Atiku Care Foundation. A lot of promises were made when we started.

“They told us that Alhaji Atiku Abubakar needed a platform to reach out to the masses at the grassroot. We were committed because there were programmes from healthcare delivery, education, entrepreneurship, youth and women empowerment.”

Ababai, former Director of Administration and Strategy in-charge of North-West for Atiku Care Foundation, said the group has decided to pitch its tent with President Muhammadu Buhari’s 2019 re-election bid for his foresight and commitment to redeem Nigeria from the shackles of corruption and poverty.

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