Atiku Abubakar Finally Reveals How Boko Haram Started


Alhaji Atiku Abubakar, the presidential candidate of the Peoples Democratic Party, has said, he knows how Boko Haram started.

In an interview with The African Reports, which he shared on his verified Twitter handle, @atiku, Atiku said that, politicians were to be blamed for the emergence of Boko Haram.

When he was asked, how he was going to solve the challenge of Boko Haram terrorism, he said, “I happen to know how Boko Haram came into being. They were offshoots of political thuggery. Politicians used those boys in Boko Haram to win elections and then abandoned them and then there were no jobs for them. It was the same thing with the Niger Delta. In 1998, I saw it myself and I warned people.

“It’s going to be a multifaceted approach. It will involve negotiations. It will involve military action.”

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