Police arrest small doctor for unlawful possession of firearm.


The Lagos State Police Command has arrested Adekunle Temitope, popularly known as Small Doctor, for unlawful possession of firearms and for allegedly threatening to shoot a police officer.

Edgal Imohimi, Lagos State Commissioner of Police, revealed this to the press on Monday while parading the musician along with three other persons.

PoliticsNGR learned that Small Doctor was arrested on allegations that he threatened a Police officer who was on traffic duty along Oshodi, Lagos.

“It was alleged that some unknown men, four of them, in an unregistered green SUV had brought out a gun and threatened a policeman that if he does not leave the road, they will shoot him,” Imohimi said.

“Believing that they were armed robbers, I sent out my men and fortunately, with the DPO in charge of Shogunle division, they were able to intercept them and the men were arrested and were brought down to the headquarters for interrogation.

“It was then discovered that one of them is the same Adekunle Temitope, a.k.a. ‘Small Doctor’. They were arrested in possession of a functional rifle, cartridge and some of their personal belongings.”

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