
Pastor stabbed to death during church service


A Ghanaian pastor, Dr. David Nabegmado, was on Sunday stabbed to death during the church service.

According to a report, the pastor was attacked as he was preparing to leave his inner office for the main church auditorium to preach.

He reportedly died a few hours later, at a nearby medical facility, where he had been rushed for treatment.

The alleged attacker, who has been identified as a nephew of the pastor, is said to have been apprehended by passers-by and some church members and handed over to the police.

The suspect, Francis Nabegmado, spoke with journalists after his arrest and told them that his uncle had tried to kill him several times in spiritual battles.

“My uncle is worshiping lesser gods. He is not a man of God. He has sacrificed all the family people and destroyed everybody” he alleged.

The Tema Regional Police Command has begun investigations into the death of the senior pastor of the Central Assemblies of God Church.

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