February 2019

Jose Mourinho Wants to Lead a Club With no Internal Conflicts

Former Manchester United boss, Jose Mourinho, says his next managerial stint will be at a club which does not have internal conflicts. The Portug…

Elections postponement: It’s a ploy to deprive Nigerians – Atiku Abubakar

The presidential candidate of the Peoples Democratic Party, Alhaji Atiku Abubakar, has alleged that the All Progressives Congress led government …

20 Best Security Tips for Staying Safe During Elections

Is election around the corner and you fear for the safety of you and your family? If YES, here are 20 best personal security tips for staying s…

Importance Of Voting: Why Should Every Citizen Vote?

Voting is a fundamental right of any citizen that enables them to choose the leaders of tomorrow. In many countries, the minimum age for voting i…

Baby Factory Uncovered In Ibadan, Pregnant Victim Rescued – NIS

Ibadan Mogajis Issue Warning To 5 Leading Candidates The Nigeria Immigration Service (NIS) on Thursday said it has uncovered a “baby factory” in…

Atiku Abubakar plans $25 billion fund to boost Nigeria’s economy

Alhaji Atiku Abubakar, the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) presidential flag bearer is planning to set a $25 billion fund once elected in Nigeri…

The Economist predicts Atiku Abubakar victory in Nigeria’s presidential election

The Economist magazine has predicted that the presidential candidate of the Peoples Democratic Party, Atiku Abubakar, will win the February 16 e…
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