Kamaru Usman becomes the first African-born and the first Nigerian champion in UFC history


Kamaru Usman the Nigerian nightmare beat Tyron Woodley of America to win the UFC welterweight title.

Kamaru Usman is the first African-born and the first Nigerian champion in UFC history after recording a victory over American Tyron Woodley in a UFC 235 encounter on Sunday, March 3.

The 31-year-old Usman from Auchi beat Woodley across all five rounds to get a winning decision from the judges.

Usman nicknamed the Nigerian nightmare was very cautious in the opening round in the Octagon at the T-Mobile Arena in Las Vegas, Nevada.

He attempted several take downs but his opponents had answers but was unable to connect his punches to Usman.

Kamaru Usman beat Tyron Woodley to emerge champion [UFC]

Usman suffered minimal knocks and won all five rounds convincingly, controlling Woodley with some dropping elbows and punches as well as a huge take down.

Speaking after the encounter he said, “You think I’m going to wrestle and then I strike you, you think I’m going to strike and I grapple you. I confuse them and I break them. This is mixed martial arts for a reason and I’m the best, I’m the champ.”

Classy tribute from new welterweight king Kamaru Usman to former champ Tyron Woodley.

And a touching moment with his daughter. Enjoy it champ, you’ve earned it.

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