Pepsi Football Academy In Nigeria: How To Join Easily


The Pepsi  Football Academy in Nigeria have produced so many stars that have represented the country’s National team, and are still doing well in their various clubs across the world. Examples of players that went through the academy are John Mikel Obi and Elderson  Echiejile.

As a youngster, if you are interested in developing your football skills and you want to enhance your football career, then it is wise you follow the footsteps of those that had achieved greater heights by enrolling in a football academy during their early life. In this post you will find some few guidelines and requirements on how to register for the Pepsi football academy in Nigeria.

How To Register For Pepsi Football Academy In Nigeria

Background And Aim Of The Pepsi Football Academy

For over a decade now, the Pepsi and 7up bottling company have contributed immensely towards the development of youth programs in Nigeria, and the Pepsi football academy is one of such initiative. The academy have been an important initiative from the onset even up till this moment. The size of the academy is indeed large, and it is a clear picture of Pepsi’s commitment to youth development program in Nigeria. The intention behind the academy is to provide opportunity for so many youngsters who wishes to showcase their talent, in a well organised platform. Thousands of youngsters had benefited from the Pepsi football academy and many are still yet to benefit since the program is still ongoing.

How Students Are Assessed in the Pepsi Football Academy

Students who enroll in the academy are been assessed periodically by their respective coaches in order to ascertain their performance and to detect areas that needs improvement.

Personal skills

The academy is quite a disciplined environment, and this makes it possible for students to acquire skills that will be of great benefit for them in life, aside from the normal football skills. Such skills that they will learn include, humility, responsibility, teamwork, self-confidence, interpersonal skills, positive attitude and the likes. All these will be the hallmark of the Pepsi football academy students.

Football skills

Apart from the personal skills, football skills is the major aim of the academy. The academy is set to nurture and enhance the forthcoming talents of the youngsters by creating an opportunity for them to progress their career in football. Many of them might have the opportunity of representing the country and do well in their various clubs across the Diaspora.

Application Into The Pepsi Football Academy In Nigeria

Aspirants and youngsters (either male or female) who have an interest in enrolling for the Pepsi football academy should introduce themselves to coaches at any of the academy training centers, specifically on a Saturday morning. The coaches will first of all conduct a pre-registration assessment based on special talents and physical attributes such as speed and balance.

Any of the applicant that turns out successful by passing the test, such will be given an application form. The Pepsi football academy application and registration application form should be filled and submitted by respective applicants.

The completed application and registration form should be submitted along with:

The original and the photocopy of the student’s birth certificate
Three passport photographs of the student plus one passport photograph of any of the parent
Copies of the students school result
Photocopies of the students medical report
Eligible students are to come along with their parents during registration (it is compulsory).
All payments are to be made to the bank, please request for bank details.

Registration And Fees Into The Pepsi Football Academy In Nigeria

Once an applicant has been accepted, the registration requirements are as follows:

Requirements Age 5 – 14 years Age 15 years and above
Registration 1,000 3,000
Quarterly fees 2,000 3,000
Training uniform 2,000 3,000
Identity card  500  500
Training bag  500  500
 Maintenance fee 2,000
TOTAL N6,000 N12,000

Parent/guardians and aspirants should note that the joining age into the Pepsi football academy is 5– 16 years, and the academy does not provide accommodation or academic education.

These are the major information you need to know on how to join or register into the Pepsi Football Academy in Nigeria. You can can register today if you fall within the age bracket or pass the information to your parent, so that they can get you registered. Give that footballing career of yours a boost right from your juvenile age.

Today, the Pepsi Football Academy comprises over 3,000 registered students and operates throughout the year from 14 separate training centres and 54 coaches across Nigeria.

Addresses of Pepsi Football Academy Training Centres in Nigeria

1. Lagos Training Centre
Address: Cocoa Industries Field, Off Akilo Road, Ogba
Phone Numbers: 08023108335, 08032451880, 08023543676

2. Orile-Imo Training Centre
Address: The Football College Km 4, Sagamu/Abeokuta Expressway
Phone Number: 08023108335, 08032451880

3. Sagamu Training Centre
Address: AUD Primary School, Opposite Awolowo Market Makun
Phone Number: 08034092523

4. Ibadan Training Centre
Address: Olubadan Stadium Iyaganku
Phone Number: 08034657553

5. Ilorin Training Centre
Address: Kwara State Stadium Complex
Phone Number: 08032083789

Pepsi Football Academy Nigeria – Registration fees

6. Aba Training Centre
Address: Enyimba Int’l FC Stadium
Phone Number: 08035451812

7. Enugu Training Centre
Address: Rangers Stadium Nkpokiti Street, Independence Layout
Phone Number: 08037127050

8. Owerri Training Centre
Address: Dan Anyiam Stadium Imo State Sports Council
Phone Number: 08034347538

9. Benin Training Centre
Address: Western Boys High School Ikpoba Hill
Phone Number: 08038183097

10. Abuja Training Centre
Address: Government Senior Secondary School Tundunwada Zone Four
Phone Number: 08023266411

How To Join Pepsi Football Academy Nigeria

11. Kaduna Training Centre
Address: Murtala Mohammed Square Independence Way, Opposite the Hamdala Hotel
Phone Number: 08025940317

12. Jos Training Centre
Address: Methodist Primary School
Phone Number: 07093144959

13. Kano Training Centre
Address: Rumfa College, Along Buk Road, PMB 3079
Phone Number: 08036511010


  1. I want to join how please I’m a left winger
  2. This is my WhatsApp number 08134182326 please message so I can know how to join and about the registration fee please I want my dream to come true I wanna achieve my dream
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