September 2019

7 Important Qualities Of A Good Friend

Essential Qualities Of A Good Friend Friendship is undeniably important for your mental and emotional well-being. With a solid support network i…

Osinbajo: PDP demands investigation of N90 billion FIRS scandal

The Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) demands a system-wide investigation into the alleged siphoning of N90 billion from the coffers of the Federa…

Research Reveals Cristiano Ronaldo is the Most Admired Sportsman of 2019

Portuguese legend Cristiano Ronaldo has been announced as the most admired sports personality of the year 2019 as per a research conducted by You…

'It's Been A Long Time' - Lionel Messi Delighted on Winning FIFA Best Player Award

Argentina and Barcelona icon, Lionel Messi has revealed that he is happy to win the Best FIFA Men's Player award, but is now looking to help …

Life is harder if you’re a girl, Bill Gates laments

The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation today launched its third annual Goalkeepers Data Report, which concluded that, no matter where anyone is …

Cristiano Ronaldo Becomes the First Footballer to Score Against 40 Different Countries

Portuguese legend Cristiano Ronaldo has become the first ​European footballer in the world to have scored 90 international goals. The 34-year-…
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