Football Agent Claims He Gave Sir Alex Ferguson a £30,000 Gold Watch to Fix a Game


A football agent named Giuseppe ‘Pino’ Pagliara has alleged that he gave legendary ​Manchester United manager, Sir Alex Ferguson a £30,000 Rolex watch as a thank you gift for fixing a match.

Pagliara was recorded by undercover newspaper journalists boasting of of giving Ferguson the watch as reward for the manager fixing a Champions League match against Juventus, with the corrupt agent also claiming that the legendary manager had previously taken money as part of transfer deals, revealing that he would only work ‘with agents that used to share money with’ him'.

Pagliara and fellow agent Dax Price are currently facing multiple bribery charges following an undercover investigation from English newspaper the Daily Telegraph with their journalists recording a series of meetings with the duo who as per the report were willing to engage in corrupt transfer market dealings — and allegedly took an envelope containing £5,000 cash from a reporter.

“In a series of further meetings, calls, emails and texts they proposed schemes to become players’ agents, buy them and place them in English clubs, maintain ownership of the player, and then profit from his onward sale, as well as other schemes, all to be facilitated by bribery," Brian O’Neill, QC, for the prosecution said as quoted by ​Guardian.

The duo allegedly boasted of corrupt connections with a number of veteran managers, including Antonio Conte (then Chelsea, now Inter Milan), Steve McClaren (former England boss), Harry Redknapp (ex Spurs, West Ham, Southampton) and Neil Warnock (Cardiff City).

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