
Why I shot video with Aisha Buhari screaming – Mamman Daura’s daughter


Fatima, one of the “daughters” of President Muhammadu Buhari’s confidant, Mamman Daura, has offered explanation for why she shot the video in which the First Lady, Aisha Buhari, was shouting at the top of her voice in the Presidential Villa.

Fatima offered the explanation in an interview with the BBC Hausa Service.

She said the video was shot to provide proof for her parents and security officials in an event “something happens.”

She said the apartment in which the incident happened was given to Daura to occupy by President Muhammadu Buhari when he moved into the Presidential Villa, adding that when Yusuf, Buhari’s son, was involved in an accident, the President directed Daura to relocate to another house known as House No 8 so that Yusuf would be relocated to the Glass House they were occupying.

The Glass House was said to be close to Aisha Buhari’s apartment.

Fatima said Aisha Buhari then gave them an ultimatum.

She said as they were packing from the Glass House, she heard shouting voices, adding: “I was inside one of the rooms, while my other siblings were in the other room close to the parlour.

“My sister said the room should be locked up because they were used to locking it when they were not around.

“So even if the First Lady comes she should see it locked.

“But to their surprise, when Aisha Buhari came, she used her position as the First Lady to break the lock.

“It was then I decided to video her in the act to have evidence of what she did to us.”

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