Israel Adesanya to open UFC gyms in Nigeria


Nigeria Ultimate fighting Championship middleweight champion, Israel Adesanya, says more Nigerias will come into the sport and dominate the UFC in the future.

Adesanya noted that there are lots of talents in the country, enough to take over the UFC and he is hoping he can do his part by opening a gyms in the country to breed more talents.

“(Usman) Kamaru was the first, I was second, there are lots more coming. Guys like Sodiq (Yusuff), first time I watched him fight was in Adelaide, I was cage side and he was hitting his opponent with body shots and I could hear it from outside the cage.

“In his last fight he showed fortitude because he got hit a lot. I’m telling you there’s a few more coming, and I really want to open a chain of UFC gyms there (Nigeria).

There are currently four Nigerians in the UFC with two of them, (Kamaru and Adesanya) already world champions. Others are, Sodiq Yusuff and newcomer, Kennedy Nzechukwu.

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