Yuletide: Federal government to fix major highways


Ahead of the yuletide celebrations, the Federal Government has commenced plans to fix major arterial roads across the country to ease the plight of road users.

In continuation of the plan, the Minister of Works and Housing, Babatunde Fashola, has met with the major stakeholders in the implementation of the Ministry’s plan.

The meeting according to a statement signed by the Ministry’s Deputy Director of Press, Stephen Kilebi, was aimed at reviewing the state of all on-going construction and rehabilitation work on the major arterial roads with a view to facilitate ease of movement during the Yuletide season.

In attendance at the meeting were: the Corps Marshall of the Federal Road Safety Corp, Oyeyemi Boboye, officials of the Federal Roads Maintenance Agency (FERMA), Directors of the Federal Ministry of Works and Housing, State Controllers of Works and Housing, Contractors for some ongoing road projects across the six geopolitical zones of the country.

Fashola noted that the meeting was necessary in view of the demand of the upcoming season for high vehicular movements, more people traveling and increased activities of both importers and exporters on our major roads.

He explained that, it was the responsibility of the ministry to ensure all necessary things were done and put in place in order to facilitate easy and smooth movement of travellers during the season.

While enjoining the Federal Road Safety Corps to intensify campaigns on over speeding and unlicensed drivers on our highways, Fashola advised that the Corps should apprehend and prosecute violators of highway rules and regulations for sanity and orderliness by road users.

The Minister added that whenever there was orderliness on our highways by road users, accidents on our roads would be reduced.

Fashola directed the Ministry’s Director of Highways Construction and Rehabilitation to list out all key arterial roads that need urgent attention and commence action immediately.

In his remarks, Oyeyemi stated that the FRSC has put adequate measures to facilitate movement of travellers during the season and also listed some of the arterial roads and the diversions proposed.

Some of the arterial roads to be fixed include the following among others: Ibadan-Lagos, Abuja-Kaduna-Kano, Shagamu-Mowe, Abraka-Agbor, Benin-Asaba, Auchi-Benin, Calabar-Nkom, Ogoja, Calabar-Itu-Uyo, Kontagora-Minna, Abuja-Lokoja, Oybomoso-Ilorin, Jos-Panshin, Enugu-Onitsha.

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