Adeniran Ogunsanya college to be upgraded to university – Lagos governor


Lagos State Governor, Mr. Babajide Sanwo-Olu, on Monday said the state government owned Adeniran Ogunsanya College of Education is to be upgraded to a University of Education.

The Governor disclosed when he received the newly elected Zonal Coordinators of the National Association of Nigerian Students (NANS), Zone D, led by Comrade Kappo Olawale at the Lagos House, Alausa, Ikeja.

Sanwo-Olu assured the students of the continuous commitment of his administration to the reforms in the education sector stating that the sector has the highest vote in the year 2020 budget.

He said: “We want to elevate Adesanya Ogunsanya College of Education to a University of Education. This is one of our plans as a government.”

“We are training all primary school teachers and also recruiting new ones. We will ensure that the quality in our classrooms are the same. And this is based on development of teachers first. Once we are able to push that, we will also improve the quality of teaching. We will see better outcome and that will give us better pupils.

“We will also duplicate this in secondary schools across Lagos. We want to continue to reduce truancy, cultism and all those unhealthy acts amongst pupils. We will increase infrastructure in Schools.”

He stressed that his administration will build new facilities for State institutions and complete the ones that are yet to be completed.

He urged the student leaders to ensure that they uphold peace in their various institutions and be good representatives of their citadels of learning.

“We want to have positive impacts at all levels of education but we need you to understand and appreciate the efforts of the government. To be able to speak to your fellow students to ensure that we continue to work in an environment where there is peace, harmony, understanding and collaboration”.

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