Manchester United ‘a closed chapter’, says Mourinho


Jose Mourinho says his time at Manchester United is “a closed chapter” and he is only interested in beating them when he takes his in-form side to Old Trafford on Wednesday.

It is the new Tottenham manager’s first return to the touchline at United’s home ground since his sacking by the club last December.

“This is a closed chapter for me,” said Mourinho, who has won all three of his matches in charge of Spurs. “I left the club, I took my time to process everything that happened, I took my time to prepare myself for the next challenge.

“Honestly, United for me is in my book of experiences, it’s in my history book.”

United are struggling under Mourinho’s successor, Ole Gunnar Solskjaer, but go into the game just two points behind fifth-placed Spurs.

“It is not for me to analyse United now,” Mourinho said at his pre-match press conference. “I analyse them as an opponent, how they play. How can we beat them? How can they beat us? For me, that is the important thing.”

Mourinho is excited about the prospect of returning to Old Trafford.

He said: “I feel good, I like to play big matches, I like to play against the best teams and go back to a place where I was happy.

“I have a great relationship with Manchester United supporters. I went back as a pundit and I was humbled by such a beautiful reception.

“Tomorrow I go back as the coach of the team that will try and beat Manchester United.

“I understand that what they want is the exact opposite of what I want. Of course, during the match I expect them to forget me.”

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