Lionel Messi Suffers Worst Goalscoring Form in Two Years


​Lionel Messi's run of not scoring in a grand total of three league games means that he has officially hit his worst goalscoring run in two years.

The last time the Argentine magician went three games without troubling the scorers was back in February of 2018, ​according to AS.

However, it is worth mentioning that despite not scoring in the games against Valencia, Levante and Real Betis, Messi has laid on 5 assists for his teammates in that time, including a hattrick of assists in the team's 3-2 win Betis this past weekend.

Moreover, he has also attempted 22 shots in the 3 games, meaning that is it probably a matter of time before the net starts bulging for him once again.

However, in comparison, arch rival Cristiano Ronaldo has been on an absolute goalscoring tear for​ Juventus, having scored in each one of his last 10 league games en route to breaking a club record.

In fact, ​no striker in the top leagues in Europe has scored more since the beginning of December 2019 - when Messi capture his sixth Ballon 'Or award - than the Portuguese ace.

Both Ronaldo and Messi would need to be in top scoring form for the remainder of the season considering that Juventus and ​Barcelona are both currently trailing respective Serie A and La Liga leaders ​Inter Milan and ​Real Madrid.

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