Oyo flags-off free medical mission


Oyo State Governor Seyi Makinde will, on Monday February 16th, 2020, kick off free medical mission in Oyo North Senatorial District.

The medical mission will include free surgical operations and other medical examinations.

The Commissioner for Health, Dr. Bashir Bello, revealed this in a statement signed on Friday, March 13, 2020.

He added that the free health mission was introduced by the present administration with the aim to improve the quality of healthcare among the residents of Oyo State.

“The free medical mission was introduced with the aim of improving the quality of healthcare services among the people and reducing medical quackery practices”, the statement read.

Dr. Bello also added that the mission will kick off at L.A Primary school, Agede, Kisi, in Irepo Local Government Area and will entail free medical activities such as checking of blood pressure, HIV test with free drugs, checking of Hermia, Lipoma, Sebaceous cyst and breast lumps.

The Statement further read that the occasion will enlighten the people on food hygiene, waste management and good sanitation.

Local Government Areas that will benefit from the first phase of the free medical mission include Irepo, Olorunsogo, Orelope, Saki West, Saki East, Atisbo and Iwajowa.

Others are Kajola, Itesiwaju, Iseyin, Ogbomoso North, Ogbomoso South and Oriire.

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