Troops Eliminate Bandits, Arrest Kidnap Kingpin in Taraba, Benue

Troops Eliminate Bandits, Arrest Kidnap Kingpin in Taraba, Benue
 Troops of Operation Whirl Stroke have eliminated four armed militia men at Rafin Kada in Wukari Local Government Area and Yojaa in Donga Local Government Area of Taraba.

In statement by the Coordinator, Defence Media Operations, Major-General John Enenche indicates that, the troops operated under the Operation Accord.

Major-General Enenche notes that the troops at Gbise in Katsina Ala Local Government Area in Benue and Sector 4 in Taraba conducted a joint  operation to eliminate
suspected militias at Che Jukun village, adding that four of the militias were killed

Similarly, the troops responded to a distress call in Zaki Biam and  apprehended a kingpin kidnapper who is  currently undergoing interrogation.

The High Command of the Armed Forces of Nigeria congratulates the gallant troops of Operation Whirl Stroke for their dexterity and professionalism.

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