Benue State House of Assembly has passed 2020 proposed revised budget

Benue State House of Assembly has passed 2020 proposed revised budget estimates of 108 billion. The budget is less by 82 billion naira approved estimate.
The Deputy Speaker of the Assembly, Rt Hon Chris Adaji, announced the revised estimate, after deliberating at the committee of the whole following the report presented by the House Standing Committee on Appropriation.

Rt Hon Adaji, who presided over today's session following the Speaker's absence due to his infection with Covid 19 virus, said the down ward review of the 2020 budget was necessitated due to the impact of Covid 19 pandemic.

He said the revised recurrent expenditure estimate pegged at 68 billion naira was less by the approved budget of 47 billion while the revised capital expenditure put at 40 billion is less by 34 billion naira.

The house after passing the revised budget estimate adjourned sitting till on Friday, 24, July,2020

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