The Ekiti state government on Monday refused to declare the total number of members of the state executive council infected by Covid 19.

The Ekiti state government on Monday refused to declare the total number of members of the state executive council infected by Covid 19.
This is despite repeated questions by journalists on rumors making the round that some other members of the state executive council have been affected by the deadly virus.

This follows the disclosure by the attorney general and commissioner for Justice, Bar wale Fapohunda on Sunday evening that he tested positive.

Speaking at the weekly COVID-19 briefing, the State’s commissioner for health and human services, Dr Mrs Mojisola Yaya Kolade confirmed that more than one member of the state’s cabinet tested positive, she however refused to mention names or declare the number.

She said those who want to make their positive test public would do so as her training as a medical doctor forbids her from disclosing patient’s medical information.

While appealing to those that already tested positive to report at the Ekiti State’s infectitious disease centre for the commencement of treatment, she confirmed the state’s COVID-19 cases has risen to 104 with 67 active cases

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